This is real life.

I've got a lot to say but not too sure how to put it into words. This is my mere attempt.

“I really have no reason for continuing as good friends...Please don’t be offended. As life changes, so do the status of relationships.”

A person I once considered as a close friend texted this to me last week. I will explain.

I know that I haven’t always been the perfect friend. Over the past 5 years, I have known amazing friendships. I don’t think I knew what it meant to be a friend until I left for college. I was blessed with amazing friends like Kayla, Lisa, Whitney, Jonna, and Desire (just to name a FEW). I never knew that you could have such close friendships--and with people who lead you closer to Christ--challenging me in my walk with Him and pretty much every other area in my life (whether I wanted it or not). I had never been as honest before, with anyone. I was truly blessed when God brought them into my life.

But there was a friendship that existed that I thought also belonged in that group. I was wrong--very wrong. After investing in this friendship for several years, it pretty much ended overnight. I was so confused. I tried staying in contact with this person, but soon all contact faded to nothingness. After a year of trying to figure out what happened, I finally got an explanation: “as life changes, so do the status of relationships.” Wow. That hurt.

I do understand that relationships change, but this was a little different. This wasn’t even something that was a gradual change. It was all of a sudden--almost as if it was premeditated that the friendship was going to end. This person told me they had no reason for continuing being good friends with me. I felt used. At that moment I realized that I had invested my time and energy in a friendship that was no longer existent. What I had truly invested in was a fair weather, one-sided relationship full of selfishness--someone who wanted friendship on their own terms, on their own time. I wished I would have known that was going to happen. I was really hurt--beyond words.

Sometimes I think we need to be reminded of what true friendship is. I needed to be reminded as well. After really being hurt by someone who claimed to be my friend, I now understand what a friend is.

My dad gave me this scripture to look up this morning: Proverbs 17:17. It says: “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” I know we have all heard this scripture read a thousand times, but do we truly understand what it is saying? Let’s break it down a bit.

A friend loves at ALL times. Not just when things are going well. Not when you are looking your best. Not when you are making a lot of money. Not when you are in the best mood. A friend loves you at all times--when you are down and when you are up, regardless of time and distance.

Check your friendships. Do they match up with this scripture? Are you a Proverbs 17:17 friend? If not, ask God to show you how to be one. I’m asking Him too!

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Acts 17:27

"...he is not far from each one of us."

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Collinsville, Virginia, United States
...Without holiness no one will see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14 [Jesus] Be my relentless pursuit always. ♥ ♥ ♥ Jesus ♥ Family ♥ Friends ♥ Music ♥ Media ♥

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