This is real life.

I've got a lot to say but not too sure how to put it into words. This is my mere attempt.

Have you ever had a day (or series of days) where you just felt like God was not pleased with you? I certainly have. And if there ever was a time in my life when I feel like it’s happened, it would have been this past week. So many things went wrong--situations to test my character--and I failed miserably. In thoughts. Words. Actions. Ugh...I responded purely ungodly.

Stupid Devil. He made me do it!!!

I wish I could blame it on the Devil. But the truth is that I have been disobedient. My spirit was defeated by my own flesh. My will rose against the Father’s.

What a week it’s been. I have learned how ugly and nasty I can be. But I have also experienced the Love that comes when I repent. I desire a true repentant heart. I’m tired of saying “I’m sorry, God”, and there’s no change that follows. Repentance leads to a changed character and closer relationship with the Father. I want that so badly!

The Word convicts me. The Word feeds me. The Word changes me. The Word keeps me from sinning. The Word was missing from my life this week because I did not pick it up and feast on it’s life-giving message.

I still desire holiness. Some days it just seems harder to live out more than others, but those are the days when I speak death to my flesh and life to my spirit, putting on the full Armor of God, with the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) pointed straight at Satan.

Stupid Devil. He won’t make me do it!!!

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Acts 17:27

"...he is not far from each one of us."

About Me

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Collinsville, Virginia, United States
...Without holiness no one will see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14 [Jesus] Be my relentless pursuit always. ♥ ♥ ♥ Jesus ♥ Family ♥ Friends ♥ Music ♥ Media ♥

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