This is real life.

I've got a lot to say but not too sure how to put it into words. This is my mere attempt.

[Bianca 6-14-11]

Tonight I was blessed by a four year old little girl named Bianca (who just happens to be my niece). I was babysitting her for the night, and we had just sat down to watch VeggieTales “Pistachio”. She turns to me (out of the clear blue) and says, “We’re gonna be with Jesus in Heaven, and you’re gonna be there too! And we’re gonna have everything we need!” I had never heard her mention anything about Heaven before. I wasn’t even sure she knew exactly what it was. Her comment totally took me by surprise. In fact, I kind of teared up a little bit. The way she said it with such innocence and matter-of-factness. The way she looked at me with excitement. The way she made sure to include me. I was touched by this little girl’s statement of faith.

We continued on with the evening, finishing the movie and then sitting down to eat dinner. I heated up some leftovers for myself and fixed her a peanut butter sandwich, which she insisted be on one piece of bread so she could eat the other piece plain. While we were eating dinner, she started telling me other things about Heaven.

I will list them here:

  1. There’s not going to be any bugs in Heaven because I don’t like them.
  2. Do you know who is going to help us fly to Heaven? The angels!!! I’m going to say, “Look at me! I’m flying! And Mom’s gonna say, ‘Me too!’ And you’re gonna say, ‘Me too!’”
  3. Jesus will have food for us in Heaven.
  4. Jesus is going to have toys for me and Alex (Bianca's 9 year old brother).
  5. I’m going to pick a Dora room, and maybe Alex will have a Sponge Bob room.
  6. My Mom’s gonna take her pocketbook with her to Heaven because she will need it. Are you gonna take your pocketbook? (I laughed out loud at this one. I couldn’t contain myself! She was so serious!!!)
  7. All the bad people are gonna stay here and then go to jail. (ironic that “jail” rhymes with “Hell”)

I was amazed at all she was telling me. I wasn’t asking her questions or anything. She was just telling me one thing after another! Some of you, like me, may have read the book “Heaven is for Real” (a true story about a little boy named Colton Burpo who believes he visited Heaven while lying on an operating table). Colton’s parents let their son unveil his “heavenly revelations” without prying. All these things Bianca told me was on her own accord, and I didn’t ask anything. I simply listened. Now, Bianca has not visited Heaven (that I know of...haha!). In fact these were things that Bianca and her Mom had previously discussed. But it was so cute hearing these things come out of the “mouth of a babe” (Psalm 8:2).

After we ate we went in her room to play. I turned on her VeggieTales worship CD (which is so adorable). She sat on her bed and played a few games on my iPod while I got my notebook out of my purse so I could write down all the things I remembered her saying in the kitchen. She looked up from her game and said, “Anna-tay (that’s how she says my name), what are you spelling?” I said, “I’m just writing down all the things you were telling me about Heaven.” I started reading everything I wrote down so she could hear what I was “spelling”. Bianca said, “I want you to spell ‘Jesus will give us everything we need.” I told her it was already written down, and I continued reading the list. I asked her at the end, “Did I miss anything? Is there anything else you want to say about Heaven?” She replied, “I want you to spell Jesus will give us everything we need.” I looked up at her smiling face. She was so insistent upon me including this statement about Heaven. I truly believe the Lord was speaking through this little four year old, right to me.

It’s easy to get caught up in this world that is not our home. When the world is our focus, we lose sight of our first Love. Voids that can only be filled by Jesus Christ are replaced by temporary objects and pleasures. Once again I have to ask myself, "Where am I storing up my treasure--on earth or in Heaven?" Everything here will fade away. Everything there is everlasting. We can’t take anything with us to Heaven. I don’t believe Christians really think that they can, but we sure act like it sometimes. We gotta have this or that or the other--for whatever reason. It’s not going to last. The only thing we can take to Heaven with us are the souls that we have won to the Lord. When we’re in Heaven we’ll be completely satisfied and fulfilled in His presence...forever! I’m so thankful for the heart of this four year old--sensitive to the things of the Spirit and not ashamed to proclaim them.

Bianca wants YOU to know Jesus will give you everything you need.

[Sidenote: When were were listening to the VT worship CD, the song “Every Move I Make” came on. There is a line in the song that says, “Oh my God, this love, how can it be?” Bianca said, “My Mom said I can only say “Oh my God” in worship songs.” Ha Ha Ha!]


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Collinsville, Virginia, United States
...Without holiness no one will see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14 [Jesus] Be my relentless pursuit always. ♥ ♥ ♥ Jesus ♥ Family ♥ Friends ♥ Music ♥ Media ♥

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